Strewth! is a labor of love. Even the smallest donation helps me cover the costs of creating, hosting, and advertising the comic. Here are two easy options for fans who want to support Strewth!:

1. Download the complete Strewth! Gag Comic eBook for a donation of just $2!

Before it was an awesome online graphic novel, Strewth! was a gag-a-day comic strip that ran for a full year. This eBook collects every Strewth! gag comic along with commentary, deleted and alternate comics, and a sketchbook. It’s my gift to you for a donation of just $2. The full-color book is in PDF format and weighs about 50 megabytes.

2. Standard “Tip Jar” Donation

This option is for fans who just want to drop a few bucks in the Strewth! “tip jar.” Every donation helps and I appreciate the support very much!